The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Thursday, July 26, 2012


"Every kingdom divided against itself
will be ruined,
and every city or household
divided against itself will not stand."
Matthew 12:25

One of the most moving moments in a wedding ceremony is the lighting of the unity candle.  Bride and groom, each holding their own tapered candle, together light the larger pillar candle, symbolizing the two becoming one flesh as described in Genesis 2:24.  It is a beautiful reminder that in order for a marriage to work, the individual must cease to exist as the partnership comes into being.  "Self" is exchanged for "spouse" as each one must look to the best interest of his or her partner as a priority.

As much as this unity is important in marriage, it is vital to the survival of our society as a whole.  If people don't carry the same basic beliefs, look to the same Source for the standard of living, and hold the same values and morals to be true, then that society will fall.

Jesus taught that, "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters."  (Matthew 12:30)  Either I am working to further God's kingdom, or I am hampering that work.  Either I am reading from His sheet of music, or I am playing a different tune.  Either I am on His side, or I am His enemy.

In order for our society and the institutions found within to thrive, each member must be on the same team.  There must be unity for us to grow stronger: divided we will fall.


As a country, we have moved from a time of great unity after the terrorist attacks of 2001, to perhaps the most polarized time in our history, at least since the Civil War.  Dialogue between disagreeing sides is strained and unproductive, and rudeness and disrespect has become the norm.  

While there have been other periods of great disagreement throughout the years, the difference I see in today's atmosphere is in a lack of common ground.  It used to be that most everyone agreed that the Ten Commandments was the standard for all members of society, but especially for those making and upholding the law.  Judges used them to help interpret the law, and legislators used them as a guide when creating new statutes at every level of government.

Since God has ceased to be the standard bearer as far as our government goes, common sense has taken it's place.  What seems right to one person may be considered to be taboo to another.  Like a ship without a compass, we sail on into the night without a clue as to which direction we should be heading.

In order for our government to get back on track and regain the strength and power we once held, God must be the head.  Even though our forefathers agreed to include, "In God We Trust" on our money, it seems it now would be more accurate to inscribe, "In Self We Trust" or maybe, "Every Man For Himself."

Without God as the head of our country giving us a common belief system, our government doesn't stand a chance.


Gangs are infiltrating neighborhoods around our country.  They stake their claim on a particular area, then fight to defend it.  Not until community members work together with local law enforcement do citizens have a chance of getting their neighborhood back. 

Gangs basically exist to take the place of broken families.  As youth lose the support and structure offered by a family unit, they search for somewhere to belong and for someone to mentor and protect them.  Lost young girls and boys find these needs met in a gang.  The only problem is, the gang doesn't really care about or love the youngster like a real family would, but only wants to use them for their own purposes: to make money through selling drugs and other illegal contraband.

The family is the basic unit of society.  It is where values are taught, work ethics instilled and morals introduced.  Without the family, children are floundering without guidance or direction.  

There is a reason this is happening.   As a generation, we have forsaken the values of our parents.  Marriage vows used to mean something.  Now, couples separate because they're not happy, fulfilled or "in love."  Gone are the days when people toughed it out for the sake of the children, in order to be true to their word, or out of respect for God and His standard.

Consequently, not only are families weakening, but so are communities.  Without the foundation of strong families, there is nothing stable on which to rest our local society.  People don't care about each other, either because there's not time or it doesn't seem important.    Whatever the reason, communities are divided due to a lack of common ground.  Without God to provide the reason a family would stay together, people have turned to their own devices.  Unfortunately, it's not just the families that crumble, but the society along with it.

Without God as the head of our communities providing a strong structure of family units, our neighborhoods don't stand a chance.


The most quoted scripture passage for the Jew is called the Shema and it reads, "Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one.  Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."  (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)  Jesus called this the greatest commandment.  God, however, didn't stop here when dispensing His standard for my priorities.  He went on to say that His Word should always be fresh upon my mind as I meditate on the truths found in Scripture and talk about them at home at every opportunity.

As a parent, my greatest priority is in teaching them God's ways.  Sure, academics are important, social skills take priority and healthy habits are vital.  But, my main concern is to teach my children how to love God and follow Him wholeheartedly.  If I fail on this point, I'm not doing my job.

In today's fast-paced, self-centered, highly competitive society, the household has ceased to be the safe haven where each member is allowed to grow into the person God created them to be.  It no longer is the place where each member can count on hearing the truth on a daily basis.  

Instead, the household is a place where the filth from the world streams in through the television, computers and other electronic devices, teaching all within earshot ungodly values, morals and norms.  The home is now a place where families are disjointed as each members eats in their own room at their own time instead of as a unit, discussing important lessons that are found in countless opportunities.  The family ceases to be a team working together toward the common goal of making a positive impact on society and instead encourages each member to look out for themselves.

Without God as the head of our households providing a focal point for each member to aim toward, our families don't stand a chance.

When Jesus drove evil spirits out of a deaf and mute man, restoring his sight and speech to him, onlookers accused Him of using Satan's power.  Jesus explained that if Satan's troops turned against him and were working toward a different goals, his mission would not be successful.

In the same way, a government, community or household without the common standards set by God cannot stand.  Instead of working together toward the same goal, we will each look out for our own interest.  If we want a powerful and productive government, a strong and safe community, and stable and cohesive family units, God must be placed at the head.

It is then that we will be able to say in one voice, "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can do my part and keep God as the head of every part of my life.

How do I tend to keep God out of politics?

When do I look to my own common sense as my standard, instead of to God?  

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