The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Satan's Schemes

"And a voice from heaven said,'
This is my Son, whom I love;
with him I am well please.'
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit
into the desert to be tempted by the devil."
Matthew 3:17 & 4:1

One of the most wondrous experiences those who followed Jesus encountered was in witnessing His baptism.  I'm not sure if everyone present was able to see heaven open up and God's Spirit come down as a dove would fly, landing upon Jesus like a butterfly lighting upon a flower.  If they could, I'm sure it was awe-inspiring, to say the least.  

It seems that after such an astounding display of God's power and an affirming statement of His love for His Son that God would plan a party, a spectacular miracle or some other event fit for the Son of God.  Instead, the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness on a solitary trek so Satan could mess with Him!  

Satan is described as being, "the god of this world," the "father of lies,"  and is able to take on many deceptive forms.  As much as it seems Satan controls things, he doesn't.  He only is able to do what God allows, and Jesus has authority over Satan.  

As a follower of Christ, I am not immune to Satan's schemes.  I belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ so I am  considered to be an enemy of darkness, and therefore a target.  As one who is directly in Satan's cross-hairs, I can expect to be attacked and tempted on a regular basis.  But I am not left without defense.  My weapon against him is as powerful as the one Jesus Himself used: the sword of the Spirit.

Physical Needs

No food for 40 days.  I would be a bit grumpy, not to mention weak and weary after that long without sustenance.  This is exactly where Jesus found Himself when Satan launched his first attack.  Naturally, in His weakened state, his defenses would be down and His body would be craving any kind of nourishment.  

I am not beyond this type of harassment and it works best when I'm physically weak.  It could be that I'm tired from lack of sleep or over work.  Maybe I'm recovering from an illness or under another kind of stress.  Many times I don't eat the way I should and I'm either hungry or my blood  sugar levels are wreaking havoc.  Whatever the cause, the effect is physical weakness.  

When Satan tempts me to question whether God will provide, heal, sustain, protect or take care of me, my come back can be as simple as, "My God is all I need!"  Jesus quoted a scripture that came out of a reminder to the people of Israel.  He told them to,  "Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.  He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD."  (Deuteronomy 8:2-3)

It's easy for me to listen to the rumbling of my stomach or focus on the parching of my throat above all other things.  But God is to be my all in all and is to be the One who completes me.  Everything else is just a distraction.  

So, the answer to Satan when he tempts me with questioning whether or not God will take care of my physical needs is that, "All I need is Christ."  Listen to Erin Hill sing, "All I Have is Christ" and meditate on your real needs and how He completely fulfills them. 

Satan tricks me into thinking my physical requirements are most important, but God reminds me that if I focus on His Kingdom, He'll take care of my spiritual, emotional and physical needs.


Maybe I'm a fool to think that God will really protect me.  After all, I'm pretty messed up and I've done some stupid things in my life.  He's probably given up on me; why else would I be in such a predicament?

When I'm feeling vulnerable, it's easy for me to think this way.  Satan loves to place a seed of doubt in my mind and watch me water it so it sprouts into suspicion and then grows into full-grown disbelief.  

In the desert region near Mt. Horeb, the Israelites questioned God's own Word.  They doubted that God really brought them out of slavery in Egypt for good, but instead thought He might have meant for them to die in the desert of thirst.  They no longer trusted God as their security but almost looked upon Him as their enemy.  They stopped believing that He would take care of them. 

Despite their disbelief, God provided water from a rock, but He reminded them later to never test Him.  Testing implies a lack of faith, a disbelief that God is who He says He is.  Faith is about belief based on God's character.

When it seems everything is going wrong and all hope is lost, God is still at the helm of the ship of my life.  Just because things look bad doesn't mean He has left me.  I can trust in Him to keep His promise to never leave me nor forsake me.  I can trust in Him to do as He said when He proclaimed He would love me with an everlasting love.  I can take Him at His Word when He said I am forgiven and I belong to Him.

Remembering who God is and all that He has done will help me to resist the temptation of doubt.

Satan tempts me to think I'm a sheep without a shepherd, but God reminds me that Jesus is the Good Shepherd who has laid down His life for me.


The money runs out but the bill collectors continue to call.  The medicine is gone but the child still suffers.  Help is needed but there's no one to turn to.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.  

Most people aren't power-hungry.  Most of us just want to live a decent life.  But under the right circumstances, anyone can reach the point where they'll try anything to get out of the mess they've found themselves.

Sometimes when I'm desperate, I place my faith in a human to do what only God can do.  It could be that God is working through that person, but in my vulnerability, I forget who's really in control.

How easy it is to give my devotion to a certain person who helped me get out of a tight spot.  It may be a pastor, a friend or even a celebrity.  Before I know it, I've transferred the awe I held for God and God alone, and placed it upon a mere human.  Because of the amazing things they've done to help me, I've given them more credit than they deserve: I've placed them on the pedestal that belongs to God.

Other times I get tired of waiting for God to act, and I take matters into my own hands.  I try to manipulate circumstances to get the outcome I desire.  I try to create my own solution.  Sarai found out the hard way that this doesn't work.  She got tired of waiting for God to give her the child promised to she and her husband Abram.  So, she got off her duff and took some action.  She gave her maidservant to Abraham and soon, a child was born.  But this baby became the father of a nation that would always be opposed to God's chosen people.  Making my own solutions never turns out well when I take God out of the equation.

God has a plan for my life and it's a good plan that won't harm me.  But many times I find myself at the end of my rope and I wonder what possible good can come out of all the bad.  These are the times its imperative for me to remember that the earth is the Lord's and everything in it.  If it's in His plan for me to have the money, the medicine or the help, He will provide it in His time.  

Satan tempts me to misplace God's power or to turn to other sources for help, but God reminds me that hoping in the LORD will renew my strength so I can soar!

As a follower of Jesus, I'm not immune to Satan's schemes.  But as His disciple, I do have weapons and armor.  When I'm weak Satan may tempt me to fear, but I can trust God to provide my needs.  When I'm feeling vulnerable and Satan plants a seed of doubt, remembering that my Shepherd guards over me will keep the seed from sprouting.  When I'm feeling desperate and Satan tempts me with power to quickly solve my problems, I can keep in mind that strength comes to those who wait on the LORD.  

Satan's schemes may seem powerful, but they pale in comparison to what my Father has in His arsenal.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I will remember God's domain over my life.

How do I turn to other solutions when times get hard instead of trusting in God and God alone?

When do I forget how God provides when I'm feeling weak?       

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