The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, November 21, 2014

Salvation is the Lord's

"Salvation belongs to the LORD;
your blessing be on your people!"
Psalm 3:8 ESV

I couldn't believe how she had treated those children right in front of me.  What does she do behind closed doors? I couldn't help thinking.  My mind was plagued with thoughts of the abuse they may be enduring.  I had done what I could to defend them, reporting her to the proper agencies.  My heart, however, bled for their suffering.  I wanted to pluck them from that home, but that wasn't the lawful thing to do.  I felt so helpless.

It's hard to witness such suffering at the hand of another and I may try to take matters into my own hands.  In truth, while there are many ways I try to rescue, avenge, or revive, only God can save!

Enemies.  He felt trapped in a hopeless situation.  The job was good, the work was fulfilling, but his boss was cruel and vindictive.  She was led by her emotions, tainted by the unforgiveness she held in her heart.  In her eyes, everyone was out to get her, so she took it upon herself to be hyper-vigilant, assuming the worst of her employees.

Instead of defending himself against the charges this unjust employer accused him of, this worker left the situation in God's hands, letting Him fight the battle for him.  Soon, the business changed hands and he found himself working for a fair and equitable boss.

I may have enemies in this world, but in light of God's sovereign power, what can they do to me (Romans 8:31)?  In such secure hands, I can walk forward in peace despite the fact that I am surrounded by strife.  Since I'm a child of the Conqueror, there is nothing I need fear (John 16:33).  Because Jesus is my Warrior God, I can trust Him to avenge me when I'm wronged (Romans 12:19).

Only God knows how to save me when the enemies breath down my neck.

Hopelessness.  It all seemed so pointless.  What reason did she have to get up out of bed this morning?  Every day was the same and nothing ever got better.  The woman felt trapped; like her life was an endless series of meaningless events that rarely turned out the way she wanted them to.  What's the use? she wondered as she contemplated ending it all.

Focusing on the darkness of the world and the sorrow it brings, it's easy to fall into a state of despair.  Not knowing of God's great love for me, I would feel the same as this woman.  It's hard to put one foot in front of the other if I don't believe there is anything good in store for me.  If this is all there is, this pitiful life filled with suffering, I would feel just as hopeless.

In Christ, however, I have the expectation that something good will always come out of every single situation with which I am faced (Romans 8:28).  Through Christ living in me, I possess faith that there is a purpose for every tear shed, each pothole encountered, and even the heartaches felt.  Nothing is without purpose.  

Furthermore, this fullness of life (John 10:10b) I find in Christ that is not dependent upon my circumstances, is not all there is.  Jesus is at work preparing a heavenly dwelling place for me in His Father's house where I will be perfectly restored and fulfilled as I live with Him for all of eternity (John 14:2-3).

Only God can save me from a desperate life without the hope of anything better.

Punishment.  I feel unworthy of receiving anything good.  My sin is always before me, reminding me of my failures and weaknesses.  It's hard to look people in the eye, accept a kindness offered or the abundant life I'm promised.  When it comes right down to it, I know deep down in my heart I don't deserve any of it.

And I would be right in this thinking, except one thing:  My position as a child of God is not dependent upon my goodness, my ability to follow the rules perfectly, or my wholesomeness.  No.  Instead, my salvation from the punishment my sins have earned me is dependent completely on what Jesus has already done on the cross.  It is His blood that cleanses me from all unrighteousness, and it is Christ who presents me to His Father as pure and blameless (Ephesians 5:25-26).  In Christ, I can confidently come to my Father as one who belongs to Him, as His rightful heir and beloved daughter, and receive all that He has for me (Hebrews 4:16).

It's hard to live without fear when I don't understand God's love for me.  His love is so deep that I could never find the bottom, so wide that I cannot see the end, and so high that attempting to comprehend it's height would blow my mind (Ephesians 3:17-19).  

God is love.  His character is fully entwined in love.  He can't not love me.  Nothing I do, or that is done to me, can make Him stop loving me(Romans 8:38-39).  Nothing.  I am secure in His love and therefore free to receive all the goodness He has stored up for me (1 John 4:16-18)!  Punishment is no longer mine to endure.

Only God can save me, through faith in Christ, from the punishment my sins deserve.

I often try to save myself in many different ways.  Sometimes I attempt to fight my own battles, other times I try to find meaning in myself, and I may even live in fear of punishment for what I know I deserve.  In Christ, however, I have salvation from all these things and more.  He frees me from my desire to defend myself, taking holy vengeance upon Himself while giving me the hope of a meaningful life that will extend into eternity, and assuring me of His perfect love for me, despite my sin.  In these, Salvation is the Lord's!

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God enough to receive the love He has for me.

When do I fear that I'll receive what I deserve, instead of what God wants to give through faith in Jesus?

How am I wary of His advances as I feel the weight of my sin?

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