"Can you stalk prey for a lioness
and satisfy the young lions' appetites
as they lie in their dens
or crouch in the thicket?
Who provides food for the ravens
when their young cry out to God
and wander about in hunger?"
Job 38:39-41 NLT
There is a bat living in the foothills of the Andes Mountains that is the size of a raspberry. The lungs of the changeable lizard have the distinct characteristic of being the only home for the rare nematode worm. In all, it is nearly impossible for man to identify all of the life that exists on this diverse planet, but these are two of the most recent discoveries. Estimates of the total of land animals vary but fall between 1.3 for the amount of species that have been cataloged, and 10 million in all.
Turning to the tiniest of creatures, the insect world, the numbers are even more astounding. Scientists have cataloged around 900,000 different kinds of insects, but there could be up to 30 million in existence *. Thinking about the variety of God's creation boggles my mind.
God put great thought into His creation, and His ability to oversee it all, placing each creature in the perfect environment and faithfully providing for their needs is mind-boggling. With such a caring and powerful Father as this, why do I worry?
Provision. Only God knows what I need. He made me and knows me better than I can understand myself. He also comprehends my situation, the circumstances in which He has placed me. With such intimate knowledge of me, He is the only One who is qualified to know my needs perfectly and provide for the necessities of life (Matthew 6:31-33).
Still, I fight for what I think is rightfully mine. I'm ambitious, going after the things which I find necessary. I can't rest until I have figured out how me and my family will be taken care of.
If I would know the generosity of my Father, realizing that I can go to Him with these worries, leaving the need in His capable hands, then I would be able to turn my attention to Him and His kingdom, leaving the tedious and time-consuming task of providing to Him. All that is necessary for me is to know Him and make Him known in my little corner of the world.
God is the perfect Provider for all my needs.
Production. Only God knows the purpose for which He created me. This is His world; His production. And like some complicated play that He has written and produced, He has made each character to fulfill a certain role, to play a certain part, to fill a specific hole. Without each of us doing our part, realizing our place, and responding to His direction, the show will flop. While I can't take responsibility for the well-being of all of mankind, I can pay attention to what God wants me to do.
Therefore, when I see Him at work around me, being bothered by a need I notice in front of me, I can step in and do something to share God's love with those who are hurting. Even if it seems insignificant, I can do my part to the best of my ability, surrendering my fears and doubts to Him so that I can be an instrument of His love in the little part I play. As small as it seems, my obedience is noticed and makes a difference. While I may balk at doing what God has placed on my heart, skeptical as to my ability to do such a thing, my willingness to be used by God will uniquely impact the world as I step into the role God meant for me to play (Ephesians 2:10).
God is the perfect Director of this production that we call life.
Power. Only God has the authority and control to pull all the pieces of my life together. He is uniquely qualified and equipped to work each part for His glory and for my good. At just the right time, God is able to put everything where it should be.
While God did give us free will, making it so I must cooperate with His will if I want to see His purposes carried out in my life, He has unlimited power to constantly pursue me in a way that will show me His loving care for me. It takes power to be able to pull that off for each of His image-bearers. How can God oversee such intricate details, going after each sheep that has strayed and making sure every child knows of His love? Now that is power!
With such a God as this, who wants to be known by each of us, how can I resist His advances? Why would I hold Him at arms' length? For what reason is there to keep Him at bay? Not only is this powerful God mighty, but His love endures forever and is impossible for me to fathom. His love is part of His character, making it impossible for Him not to love me. Therefore, I have nothing to fear and need not resist His pursuit of me.
God has the power to pull all the pieces of His creation together, working each part into an intricate and beautiful tapestry.
If I had God's job, I would crumble under the pressure. But God is perfectly qualified as my Provider, the Director of life, and is powerful enough to bring it all together. If I doubt this truth, all I must do is look around at the great variety of His creation. With such diversity of God's care, I know I can trust Him in all things.
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can turn all my worries over to Him, knowing that He cares for me and is perfectly qualified to love and cherish me in just the way I need.
When do I try to be my own provider instead of letting my Father do His job?
How am I resisting His work in my life?