"Whoever believes in me,
as the Scripture has said,
streams of living water will flow from within him."
John 7:38
There are many things I can turn to in my quest to find healing, satisfaction and fulfillment. There is religion, drugs, sex, alcohol, sports, a career, raising a family, marriage, medical treatment, and hobbies, to name a few. None delivers on the promise of happiness nor can mend my broken heart nor bind the wounds of past hurts. Every solution I try will fall short apart from Jesus. He is the answer.
Once I dedicate my life to Him and begin to humble myself before Him, giving Him access to my heart so He can mold me, shape me and heal me, then I find an interesting thing happening. The very Living Water that flowed from Jesus into my life to make me whole, overflows into the lives of others.
Fruit of His Spirit
I labor hard every week, doing my duty to serve in the church. It feels good to help others and be a part of something bigger than myself. Focusing on others helps me to divert my attention away from my own hurts, my failing marriage and the kids' behavioral problems. I work diligently to love others, stay calm, speak kindly and extend grace. With so much to live for, then, why is it that I cry myself to sleep every night and feel so empty inside? Why is my life such a mess when I try so hard to do the right thing for God?
It's easy to get things backwards. My nature tells me that I must work hard in order to reap a benefit in my life. I think that I must try to be a better Christian and as I struggle through, God will see my efforts and take pity on me and help me. I try to love my husband, but he's just so cruel to me. No one can put up with that kind of treatment and be expected to maintain a kind and compassionate attitude. It's as if I'm saying, "I'm glad Jesus died for me and I want to follow Him, but nothing is working. My efforts are all in vain!"
The thing is, what my flesh tells me is contrary to the way God actually works in my life. Even though I feel pressure to try, I can never act in a loving, kind way, patiently enduring abuse, faithfully staying true to my faith, treating others gently despite their harshness, returning good for evil, exhibiting self-control at the table as well as in how I show my emotions, and do it all with a joyous attitude! My sinful nature just doesn't naturally produce this kind of fruit. (Galatians 5:16-26)
When I make Jesus Lord of my life, I must instead go through a life-long process of purification and maturation where I become less and He becomes more. With not as much of my flesh rising up against His Spirit, He has more of a free reign in my heart. Then I will notice a flow of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control where before I failed in my own effort.
Submitting to Jesus as my Lord means streams of living water will flow from me in the form of His fruit.
The world says love is a feeling and it is something I can "fall into" and then "fall out of." Love is supposed to feel sweet, warm and cozy. When it seems to vanish like a puff of steam in the cold air, I fall into a heap, reeling from the rejection of another failed relationship.
God, however, sets me straight by saying that love is so much deeper than a feeling. God Himself is love, so if I want to learn of love I will need to go to the Source. He says that "love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut, doesn't have a swelled head, doesn't force itself on others, isn't always 'me first,' doesn't fly off the handle, doesn't keep score of the sins of others, doesn't revel when others grovel, takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, puts up with anything, trusts God always, always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end. Love never dies." (1 Corinthians 13:4-8 MSG)
If I want to love others the way God loves me, as described above, I cannot do it in my own effort. Instead, it has to come from Him. I am empowered to love others this way because He first loved me, even though I am highly unlovable. (1 John 4:19) I am selfish, hard-headed, prideful and judgmental to name a few fleshly attributes that tend to repel others. Despite my ugliness, God loves me enough to send His Son to die for my sins. There is no greater love than this! (John 15:13)
This is the love that runs through me as a follower of Jesus. When I allow it to flow freely, I will find myself forgiving more easily, seeing the good in others instead of only the negative, and quickly forgetting offenses committed against me.
Submitting to Jesus as Lord of my life means streams of living water will flow from me in the form of love.
Mercy and Compassion
The girl caught in a prostitution ring.
The man living on the street.
The countless who lost their homes in a deadly storm.
The alcoholic who continuously lies to himself and others that "it's just a drink."
The young woman who denies her beliefs and does the unthinkable.
The old man suffering in the nursing home who wants nothing more than to end his life.
There is a lot of suffering in this world. Affliction is the result of sin, either mine or others. When I view the hurting with my sinful eyes, I can blame people for their own mess, think there is nothing I can do as one person, or am repulsed by what I see. In short, I am not naturally drawn to those who are in pain and agony.
Once I make Jesus Lord of my life, however, I will notice a shift. Those who I used to think were only getting what they deserved now become like a magnet, drawing out a sense of concern from within me. Where I used to want to get away from those who were struggling, now I'm compelled to help. Where once I sneered at the sin, now I sense the pain.
It is written in Lamentations 3:22 that, "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail." With that kind of Spirit residing within me, am I surprised when I reach out to the down and out or broken-hearted? He does not give me what I deserve, which is death, so how can I be so hard on others? It is His mercy and compassion that flows through me when I let go of my fears, doubts and other sins that block its' flow.
Submitting to Jesus as Lord of my life means streams of living water will flow from me in the form of mercy and compassion.
Life is full of distractions to keep me away from the Truth. When I finally accept Jesus as my Savior and make Him Lord of my life, things begin to come into focus. Not only will I feel more fulfilled and purposeful, but I'll notice His fruit, love as well as mercy and compassion flowing out to those around me. Only Jesus can supply this living water that will never cease to satisfy.
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I will let the love of God rule in my life.
How do I rely on my own efforts to be the kind of person I think I should be instead of letting God change me into who He created me to be?
When do I think I am required to love others instead of letting God love those I find hard to love?
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