"'Cursed is anyone who does not uphold the words
of this law by carrying them out.'
Then all the people shall say, 'Amen!'"
Deuteronomy 27:26
When I started the new job there was a mound of paperwork to read and sign. One of the documents I was required to initial and sign was a code of conduct. By initialing beside each rule and then writing my name at the bottom, I was pledging to uphold and live by those rules.
Even though God does not give me a similar packet of paperwork to sign when I am adopted by faith into His family, He does hold an expectation for my behavior. I show my confirmation of or agreement with His ways by whether or not I do as He says. When I choose my way instead, I am rejecting His. There are many teachings about which I must not simply learn, but put into practice.(James 1:22) Here are a few I can confirm with my actions.
Feed My Sheep
"Do you love me?" Peter agonized over the question Jesus asked not once, but three times. Why would He ask me such a thing? He knows I'm devoted to Him! Jesus, however, was making a point and, in the process, revealing something about the way He expected the members of His Body, the Church, to conduct themselves. (John 21:15-19)
Kings of old would signify the authority and power they granted to a trusted aid by giving him a signet ring. Showing the king's emblem emblazoned on the jewelry would assure those he came in contact with while conducting the king's business that he was indeed acting on the king's behalf; as if the king himself were there. King Xerxes demonstrated this practice to Haman and Mordecai. (Esther 3:10, 8:2)
As followers of Christ, we have been granted a similar authority as His ambassadors, but we are not identified by a piece of jewelry. (2 Corinthians 5:20) Instead, we are to be recognized by the way we take care of each other. This means, Jesus expects me to be devoted to building others up, loving on my brothers and sisters in the same way that He loves me, and bearing with them as they struggle through their walk. (1 Thessalonians 5:11, 1 Peter 4:8, Colossians 3:12-14)
Caring for one another deeply is one hallmark of those who belong to Christ; a quality that sets us apart from the rest of the world. I would confirm my agreement with God's ways, then, by dedicating myself to feeding the Shepherd's sheep.
The girls in my class were giggling as they used the toilet paper to try to cover their classmates like a mummy. When the whistle blew, it was time to judge who did the best job and thus won the race. As we cleaned up the mess, I explained the lesson behind the silly game. "In the same way that you covered your teammate with tissue, the blood of Jesus covers our sins. When I grant forgiveness to another, it's as if I'm allowing His blood to cover over the hurtful actions done to me, making it possible for me to let go of the pain and allow healing to take place. In the same way that you intentionally covered your classmate, we can intentionally cover over the damage done to us by the sins of another."
Forgiveness is not easy, but it is possible. As a follower of Christ, I am called to forgive as I have been forgiven. (Ephesians 4:32) No one deserves forgiveness; it is a gift that is granted by the one who has been hurt. When I forgive, it's as if I am letting go of the pain, the desire to seek revenge or retribution and instead laying it all at the feet of Jesus. When I let His blood cover the sin, healing is then possible. When I let go, I am giving God permission to handle the situation, fighting my battle for me. When I choose to cover the hurt, I will be free.
I exhibit forgiveness when I no longer feel the pain and bitterness that rears up at the thought of the offender. Instead, I begin to see her through the compassionate and merciful eyes of Christ. I practice forgiveness when I no longer feel the need to defend myself. In the resulting void, I find empathy for the plight of the one who hurt me. I display forgiveness when I find the old familiar feelings of pain and bitterness are gone, replaced by joy welling up as if from an inner well.
Forgiveness is an hallmark of those who belong to Christ; one quality that sets us apart from the rest of the world. I would confirm my agreement with God's ways, then, by becoming an expert forgiver.
Movies extol its virtues, girls dream about experiencing it, and idealists claim it makes the world go 'round. The world is obsessed with love, although not the kind God demonstrates. Instead, its a love that's focused on feelings and self-fulfillment, which is not a kind of love that lasts. If I want to truly taste love, I must seek God, for He is love. (1 John 4:8)
When I encounter the love of God, it will change me as I experience His acceptance, peace and confidence. Gone is the fear of rejection, failure or disapproval and in its place I find security, a sense of purpose and assurance of God's presence in my life. With Him at my side, nothing is impossible! (Romans 8:31-39, Luke 1:37)
As I step into the love of God, accepting its flow into my life, I will find a new and strange urge to pass this love on. Those who are prickly and difficult and easily get under my skin are now the target of this love. The ones who continually dig a hole for themselves to fall into are now on my radar as those who are hungry for this love. Even the hurtful, bitter people who everyone avoids now become my target as I seek to spread this love.
Love is an hallmark of those who belong to Christ; one quality that sets us apart from the rest of the world. I would confirm my agreement with God's ways, then, by letting God's love flow through me to touch a hurting world.
I don't make it a practice to say I disagree with God, but my actions often betray my defiant heart. I can begin to show God that I agree with His ways by feeding His sheep, learning to forgive, and loving the unlovable. In these ways I confirm His code of conduct by doing what He says.
As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can take God's Word seriously.
When do I resist forgiveness, instead holding onto the hurt like a familiar blanket?
How am I withholding the love of God that flows through me?
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