The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Friday, October 16, 2015

Can God and His Word be Trusted?

"'This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth,
the LORD who formed it and established it--
the LORD is his name.'"
Jeremiah 33:2

The people of Judah needed a little reminder of Whom they were dealing with.  They needed to be retold Who it was that was sending them warnings of the coming judgement lest they ignore the messages and continue on with their own plans.  It's important to keep in mind that God was behind the words spoken to them by Jeremiah the prophet so that they had no excuse for rejecting Him.

I often need a similar reminder of Who is behind the script recorded on the pages of the Bible.  Or Who is responsible for that still, small voice that sounds as a warning to turn the other way, or as a guide at moments of indecision, or as a comfort just when I need it.  It's so easy to disregard, to write it off as my own imagination or to ignore as irrelevant or out of date.  God gave to Jeremiah a qualifier of sorts right up front:  Here is why you can trust My Word.

Authority.  "Who died and made you king?  You are not the boss of me!"  I remember using these lines on the playground whenever a particularly controlling classmate would try to give me orders.  I instinctively knew my peers did not have the authority to give me orders and it incensed me when they tried to do so. 

God, however, does have the authority to give orders, to enforce obedience to His commands and to make decisions on my behalf.  As LORD, He has the right to manage my affairs and by His name I know that He is in charge of all that I see, of everything that exists.  It is all His responsibility to rule.  Since He is the King of the world, it is my place, then, to submit to His authority.  He is worthy of my respect.  His Word is meant to be observed.

I can trust God and His Word because He possesses all authority under heaven and on earth (Ephesians 1:21, Matthew 28:18).

Power.  He spoke the world into existence.  Where once there was nothing, He created something.  Once He finished making all things, He was perfectly able to guide His masterpiece much like a talented conductor directs every musician in his orchestra.  He has the ability to know the thoughts of each of His children, to perfectly understand every unique personality, to coordinate the lives of millions of subjects, to care deeply for the plight of humans (Psalm 139:1-6, Matthew 10:29-31). 

Because of God's great power, there is nothing He cannot do.  He is not bound by the constraints that restrict me as a human.  He operates outside of the boundaries of time.  Yesterday is the same as tomorrow for Him and the distant future is like today.  The laws of nature keep me from flying, or growing younger, or coming back to life once I'm dead.  God does not have these same limitations.  Nothing is off-limits for Him.  He can stop the sun, or part the waters of a sea, or cause a fortified city to crumble on its own (Joshua 10:13, Exodus 14:21-22, Joshua 5:13-6:20).  He can bring life back to a man three-days-dead, spontaneously combust a drenched altar, and restore skin ravaged by leprosy through a simple dipping into the Jordan (John 11:43-44, 1 Kings 18:30-35,  2 Kings 5:14).  There is nothing God cannot do, so great is His power.

I can trust God and His Word because He is all-powerful and mighty to save (Genesis 18:14Zephaniah 3:17).

Supremacy.  He is above all things.  There is nothing that is greater than He.  He sits high upon His throne, reigning over all the earth (Psalm 97).  The earth is His and everything in it (Psalm 24:1).  The Lord is sovereign over every detail, every power, every authority.  Even that which seems invincible is under His thumb.  He rules over all of His creation.

Even though the world seems out of control, God is still firmly in control.  Even though my life often feels out of control, God is still firmly in control.  Even though the rampant evil looks to be sending all of mankind into a tailspin, nothing happens outside of His will.  He is supreme over every detail of my life; nothing falls outside of His domain.  While I may feel my problems are my responsibility to solve, they actually fall within His area of expertise.  He may not move world affairs in the direction I would if I were in control, or resolve my issues to my liking, but I can be assured that His way is better for His children and will give Him maximum glory.  

I can trust God and His Word because He has supremacy over all, and His plan is a good one.

It can be hard for me to trust God and His Word.  When it comes right down to it, I may wonder why I can place my faith in Him.  To ease my mind, He reassures me with the reminder of His authority, power and supremacy.  When I recall such truths, I am compelled to take Him at His Word.  Can God and His Word be trusted?  Yes, they can, no matter what.  But it takes faith to do so.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can trust God enough to do what He's telling me to do.

When do I doubt His plan, wondering if it could be the best He has for me?

How am I usurping His authority by trying to be in control of my own life?        

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