The Key to Life

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Go! But first. . .

Then God said to Jacob,
'Go up at once to Bethel and live there.
Make an altar there to God,
who appeared to you when you fled from your brother Esau.'
So Jacob told his household and all who were with him,
'Get rid of the foreign gods you have among you.
Purify yourselves
and change your clothes.
Let us go up at once to Bethel.
Then I will make an altar there to God,
who responded to me in my time of distress
and has been with me wherever I went.'"
Genesis 35:1-3

My daughter was so excited to begin her trip to New York City for a fashion and talent convention.  Her modeling school was taking a group of students to compete in the International Modeling and Talent Association's annual scouting event and she spent a lot of time preparing.  Before she could go, however, I had required that she finish her homeschool studies thus earning her high school degree.  Even though her heart was set on NYC, there were some details to which she had to attend before she would be ready.

It is not so different with me in my walk with the Lord.  He may call me to a particular mission, a certain ministry or a specific task.  Before I can jump in with both feet, however, I would be wise to consider a few items of preparation.


Finally the water was turned back on after some repairs had been completed to the pipes in our cul-de-sac.  The worker told me to run the water in the sinks for a few minutes to purge the lines from built up air and any debris that might have contaminated the lines.  As the water ran, I could see what he meant as the steady flow was interrupted by sputtering and knocking as the trapped air pockets left the system.  Soon, our water was flowing smoothly again.

In the same way that these air pockets can interrupt the flow of water into my home, so can attitudes, hobbies, relationships, careers, or a myriad of other pursuits come between me and God.  Anything that hampers the flow of the Holy Spirit into my life is considered to be an idol.

I can make anything a god when I give it more attention than I do the Lord.  Exercise used to be an idol for me.  While running and working out is beneficial to my health, it is not helpful when it takes up more space in my thoughts than does my Father.  

When I thought about how I could improve the time on my upcoming run more than I meditated on the sacrifice of Jesus, then I realized I had an idol problem.  When the new exercises I could include in my routine monopolized my thoughts instead of the mysterious ways of God, then what was considered as healthy and good had turned into a god.  When I found myself daydreaming about how great it felt when my feet were hitting the pavement and my lungs were breathing in the fresh air instead of focusing my mind on a particular passage of scripture, then it became apparent it was time to get rid of my obsession.

While many things can be beneficial, almost anything can become a passion that steals my thoughts, efforts and heart away from the Lord.  He is to be my one, true love.  

Before I can answer the call of God, it is vital that I purge my life of any and all idols.


Sometimes, water lines can become contaminated with bacteria or viruses.  In these rare cases, public health authorities issue a boil-water advisory, recommending to local residents that they boil drinking water for one-minute before using it.  This practice effectively kills these harmful organisms, producing a liquid that is safe for consumption.

While everyone wants clean water to drink and use for cooking, not many of us think about the purity of our hearts.  God reminds me of the importance of protecting the center from which everything in my life flows in Proverbs 4:23.  "Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the sources of life." (NET)

In this day and age, it is easy to let sinful attitudes, selfish motivations, and indulgent pursuits monopolize my heart.  Then, I find myself driven by my own fleshly desires instead of the will of God.  

Therefore, I must be careful with how I spend my time.  If I have a little extra, I can either find something with which I can amuse myself on social media, or I can seek out wisdom to enrich my soul.

While I'm completing my work for the day, I can either think about what I'm going to do when I finish, or I can dwell on the scripture passage that stood out to me in my morning reading.  

When I'm driving to and from work, on my way to appointments or running errands, I can either take a walk down memory lane and listen to some golden oldies on the radio, or I can use the time to worship the Creator of all things through song.  In this life I can expect to reap what I sow:  Whatever I allow in will eventually come out in one way or another.

Before I can answer the call of God, it is vital that I purify myself of that which leads me astray.

Put On

It is said that I should dress the way I want to be addressed since I live in a world that judges by appearances.  While it may be important to make a good first impression, God is more concerned about a different kind of clothing.

Paul gave some great advice to me as I live in a time that is moving quickly toward the day of my salvation.  He reminds me how important it is to live decently, avoiding the dark temptations that lurk all around me, sticking instead to the light.  Instead of putting on some kind of superhero costume to help me negotiate the shadows where my enemy prowls, however, I am called to clothe myself with Christ Jesus Himself (Romans 13:11-14).

Replacing my own sinful desires with my true identity in Christ is a necessary daily practice.  Instead of thinking of myself as my own to treat as I see fit, to go where I want to go, and to act in the way that seems right to me, I must remember I belong to Christ (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).  

When I find it natural to put myself down, I must remember I am infinitely valuable as one who was made in the very image of God (Genesis 1:27). In place of letting myself go down to the pit of despair as I think of all the wrongs I have committed, I can remember that I am redeemed and nothing can separate me from His great love (1 Peter 1:18-19Romans 8:38-39).

Before I can answer the call of God, I must put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

God has a great plan for my life.  When He calls me to move forward in faith, I want to be ready.  Before I jump, however, it is important that I purge myself of all idols, purify myself of anything that could distract, and clothe myself with Christ Jesus.  In these ways I will prepare myself to answer His great call.

As I begin this day it is my prayer that I can take the time to prepare before I jump ahead.

When do I let sinful attitudes seep into my consciousness?

In what ways do I forget my identity in Christ? 

Originally published on August 28, 2013

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking about purity lately. This gives me even more to chew on! Thanks!! :)
